I went to SJI on Tuesday and Wednesday. I manage to talk to Mrs. Cheng but it was no good. There's nothing neither me nor she can do about it. So, I guess its back to square one then =(
Tomorrow I'm going to get my school uniform. I'm kind of excited =) New uniform~ I don't understand why some people doesn't like wearing school uniform. I mean, its not like it will torture us or something. And, I don't have to think what to wear each and everyday. I'm perfectly fine with wearing school uniform. This time ! Its different ! White blouse, and blue skirt. That's good. Better than pinafore I guess but the main problem would be my under clothes colour is expose. Opssie~ Have to get a white one too tomorrow =)
Then, on Monday, time to register. Shit ! I'll get scolded like hell for even asking. Damn..
P/S : I'm sorry guys that I couldn't make it tomorrow. Unless I finish my back-to-school shopping fast, then I might just come and visit you guys. But I doubt its possible. Its not easy to actually find school uniform this time of the year. Sorry 5U'09.
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