Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pollution !

OMG ! Why do i keep on hearing the word pollution today ? @@ Hear until bored already. Four hours and ten minutes of pollution, greenhouse effect and thining of the ozone layer topic today.

Today double period of BioDOPY in school. The remaining groups did their presentation for final exam scores. Yay ! Shugi and Deb represented my group. Hehe~ Oxygen molecules react with UV rays becomes two single Oxygen atom. I remember that part Shugi dear.

Today, I was damn semangat to revise Accounts. Thats because my Accounts stinks. Sigh ! Better improve otherwise i have no other choice but to drop it. T___T I really do enjoy doing Accounts, i really do. So, today i brought Accounts text book and work book hoping that Yee could help me. But end up, we have to enter AVA room while the Islam have don't know what session in the hall. All I know is, there is bunga telurs. Haha ! My class summited 2 bunga telurs. Apparently, 2 of the eggs are cooked on Tuesday !! ROTTEN EGGS !! Wonder who has it now ? Hmm !

Two hours in AVA, watching a movie, more like a documentary on pollution, greenhouse effect, global warming and thining of the ozone layer. AGAIN ! I was damn fed up with that topic, i finally fall asleep. Then, i didn't care, i sleep on Mich lap (PS we are siting on the floor as there are no seats left). ISH ! Keep on molesting me, why won't you guys let me sleep in peace ar ? But, i get to revenge. Mich, super sensitive to anything that touches, here had it back. GG-fied ! Nice hor Mich ? xD

After school, get our koko marks and then head to tuition. OMG ! Biology second period also is about POLLUTION !! OMG ! Hadn't I have enough ? I was so sick of it, i kind of fall alseep. Just for that short while.

Can you imagine, total up 4 hours 10 minutes of pollution business. If exam question I can't answer question on this, might as well I murder myself. Haha !

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