Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Yesterday, I was damn stressful. Haiz..Now I somehow hate the question with "How ?", especially "Tomorrow how ?" I have no idea why. It was just a simple matter, no big deal but I was damn stressed out by it. Maybe it was the fact that so many people is asking me "How ?". My parents too. Usually, I go where I want to. I don't really have to ask and I don't really have to tell. I come back home whenever I want to, and I just go with the flow. I find my own way home no matter what time is it. Yeah...yesterday, whole different story. I don't want to elaborate on it. Full stop. Period.

This morning, dad asked me how much was the ticket. I didn't asnwer because I don't want him to know. To let him know means allowing him to pay the ticket for me. Its 200 buck. Dad handed me 100 buck this morning but I didn't take it. I'm the one going to the concert not my dad. So, I will not accept it. I asked him to keep first. Yeah right, "first". LOL ! Michelle said, "our duty is to spend the money our parents make". What to say ? Michelle's is a daddy's girl. Haha ! And she is freaking proud of it.

During breakfast with my parents this morning, dad asked me, "today go buy ticket ar ?". I answered - one word, "no". Don't have to and don't want to elaborate or say anything else. Then mum asked me, "so today 6 something ar ?". Another "no". LOL ?

I'm useless. Yesterday thing also can't handle. Plan the whole day, stressing myself out for no reason. Really wanted to cry. Haiz...lucky Di and Fio helped me out a little. Actually, quite a lot especially Fiona.

Thanks darling ! It would be so much better if you told me earlier.

I'm in school and surprizingly WiFi on. LOL ! And Joy brought her laptop. Hoho ! Yesterday I didn't manage to blog, too busy. I'm distractting. Hehe !

Vanny was crying just now. I don't know why, but it hurts to see my classmate cry and it had to be Vanny. The little one in class. Sigh ! I...I don't know hot to help. I wish I could, if only I could. All of us said that we'll help her out, chipping in.

Vanny dear, please don't cry. It hurts. Its not your fault, you don't have to carry the responsible by yourself. You have us, remember ? Aww~ and I'm sure David hates to see you cry too. >.< !

Erm...I think I should go now. I'm abandoning th e others. Haha ! Awhile only right ? xD

Hmm...word of the day :

Cunning. Often use as "as cunning as a fox".
P/s : Its not chun-ing. WTH ! It made me laugh like nobody's business.

Another P/s : Good luck to my buddy. Have fun with her, don't bother about time. Fast or slow it doesn't matter, as long as you guys enjoy it and make it a memorable one.

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