Tuesday, December 9, 2008

WTH ?!


My wake up call by my maid. *grumble* Its 9.00am and I'm awake. Yesterday was so darn tiring and I slept at 1.00 am plus. So, I only had 7 hours plus of sleep. Yawns~

Sms-ed Shireen to ask her, long pants or short pants ? And yes again..no reply !! So, what I did was..I ring her house phone and her brother picked the phone up. So, I said..Shireen please. The next thing I hear was ghost speaking !! o.O Shireen just woke up. Haha ! This is how I wake her up. ^^

Only this morning I asked my maid to iron my pants. Had to leave it under the air cond in my room. Hehe ! Since Shireen just woke up, I told Li Huey that she don't have to be so fast. Take her own sweet time to get dress. xD Huey was suppose to pick me up from my house around 10.00am but ended up at 10.20am. Anyway, Shireen just woke up right ?

Me and Huey reached Hang Tuah first, and waited for Shireen. We walked to Times Square and met up with Kathryn. Bought Popcorns and drinks while waiting. We're watching Twilight. OMG ! Kit Ting joined us later, followed by Michelle then lastly Jojo. Only Jojo was late for the movie, KT and Mich managed to reach in time. I was damn excited !! Screeches can be heard coming from me. OMG ! But I thing scary was, I heard voices behind me when I'm siting in the last row. Behind me was the cushion covered wall. Zzz..freaky~

Me, Shi, Mich and Jojo went to lunch together at Sungai Wang's Gasoline. Kat, KT and Huey went to the Theme Park to repair something. Wax. Hmm.. They ate at Tepanyaki if I'm not mistaken. We then met up at the Rollerblade area.

Rollerblade was fun..at the beginning. Yea, I felt twice. Surprizingly, only twice. Haha ! Once was, when coming out of the toilet, there was a slope. And the tile is slippery. The second time was when someone from the back bang me down. Ouch ! That hurts alot ! Then it was disasterous. Zzz..it was never our intention to start a hevoc. We meant nothing. Maybe, a slight misunderstand. Two nice guys and a girl named Yuki told us to get out of that place before anything happen. They said that, we don't know this area well so might as well leave. What they said was true, we don't belong in Sungai Wang. So, we left.

Went back to Times Square to get Kathryn's wax. o.O Her wax sculpture fix. Then we separated. Me, Huey and Jojo to PAvilion to wait for Huey's mum. Mich was waiting for her dad at the Times Square main entrance. Kat, Huey and KT went to Hang Tuah Star LRT station.

Huey dropped Jojo at Bukit Jalil LRT station then her brother picked her up. Then, dropped me at my house. Thanks Huey~

The End~

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