Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Than Words

Today I brought my violin to school. Kind of awkward because I don't know how to play them but I'm carrying it to school. The main point of bringing is so that Celyn could teach me and Joy, Joy brought hers too. However, we didn't get the chance because we're having forum half the day and there's this talk and I was out of class after recess.

Guess what, the A string snapped. LOL ! Celyn was helping me tune it and suddenly it snapped. I was kind of clueless. But Celyn said she is changing it for me. Of course she must, because I don't know a thing about violin. You don't have to be sorry dear, its not like you did it on purpose. Till now, I can only play Marry Had A Little Lamb. Muahaha !

After recess, I got to go to the library for some gotong-royong activity. WTH ? I only knew about it today and I've got no clothes to change into so I worked with my uniform on. It didn't get dirty anyway. ^^ Library is full of rubbish !

After school, we sat Mich car to Joy's house. Muahaha ! 8 people in an Avanza ! Mich's dad parked his car IN SJI so we were like having a tour group to SJI ! Looks weird and souded weird. Fifi I saw you when I was in the car but you didn't see me. So sad !

Reached Joy's house and while waitting for the butter and cheese to defrost, we went touring around the house and played with Joy's guitar. Then we made the cake. Funny process especially smashing the waffle and finding the missing flour ! Haha ! Baking cake without flour. Special right ? But found it at last.

Smashing was done by mostly anyone. The part at which the smashed waffle are mixed with butter are done by Mich, Sher, and Yann Lin with me supplying the butter. They did it with their bare hands.

KT smashing the waffle on the floor

Mich : I want ! I want !
JW : Got wash hand a not ?
Mich : Wash dy la~
JW : With soap wor ?
Mich : Wash dy la~
JW : Dettol leh ? Mich : Aiya my bag not here, inside got Dettol.
JW and KT : WTH ? You bring Dettol to school !

After they are done sticking the waffles with butter, its time for me and KT in action. We made the cheese filing. Muahaha ! WTH ? My first time holding the tingy, I don't know what it is called but it can be used to beat eggs too. o.O Guess what ? After adding sugar, the flour was missing ! Joy searched the whole kitchen for it and with Joy's mum's help, the flour was found and making the filing process can be continue. Mich doesn't know how to break the eggs. Until shell also drop in and the shell was like squashed !

Waffle plus YL, Sher and Mich hands

KT and Mich

Elaine, JW, KT, Mich, YL

Apart of Joy's kitchen

The messed we made

Joy with the thingy

After that, the filing was poured into the base (waffle) and then the whole thing is put into the oven for 1 hour 45 minutes. The ingredient used was as below if I wasn't mistaken :

1) 2 box of waffle
2) Butter
3) 500g of cheese
4) 25g of sugar
5) 3 eggs
6) half table spoon of lemon
7) 1 and a half table spoon of floor

Thank God I didn't harm Joy's kitchen ! We helped clean up after that and move on to waititng for time to pass. In that period of time, we were all gathered in Joy's bro's room. Damn cool ! Played the electone and guitar. YES ! I learned to play "Kiss Goodbye" from Sher and Joy. Muahaha ! Joy and Sher duet with Joy playing the guitar and Sher singing 稻香 (Dao Xiang). OMG ! Joy is so talented because she could play it and she learned it all by herself and Sher's voice is damn nice ! Wasted she can't enter the singing competition at Maxwell back in July due to late entry. Sigh ! Then, Sher and Joy played 爱错 (Ai Cuo) on the electone. OMG ! Damn jealous !

Sher and me washing up

YL and KT

Me (classical) and Mich (acoustic)

Me playing Kiss Goodbye

Sher and Joy duet 稻香

After that, when the cake was done, we waited awhile then when its cooled we all brought our share home. Each one slice. Joy I'll return your tupperware tomorrow.

Baking done !

Ta-da !

Cheesecake !

Went home with KT, AGAIN ! Always left me and KT to go back. Sat the bus to the Star Sation then we separate at Chan Sou Lin because I'm heading to Bukit Jalil.

Kt and me after leaving Joy's house

Sayang dear dear,
Nothing could separate us apart,
Though we might be separated physically,
Our heart are still bonded together.

You're always in my heart
And I'm always in yours.

You take care of me,
And I take care of you.
That's why you're my sayang dear dear !

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