Thursday, November 27, 2008

My mini model will be completely done tomorrow. Hopefully. Reinforced my model today using pins. And covered my cars up with a layer of PVA glue. Maybe not a layer. Created my streets lights. Done 3 of them in school. Since I'm out of wires and bulbs, decided to go home early. Anyway, there's no point staying in school since I don't have the material and since two person is not in. Apple and Imani had an "important" things to attend to. Grr~ Don't spoil it for me.

Mum fetched me home with my sis after her tuition. Mum didn't drop us right in front of the gate but at the shop lot opposite my housing area. I have to get my wires, bulbs, battery holders, and switch for my mini model. Total = RM 20.20. I estimated my mini model's cost, its about 60~80 bucks. Expensive model, but Pearl Li's one is much more expensive then mine. Hehe ! Helped sis surveyed for violin class. I started guitar ahead of her, abondoning her so I'm making it up for it. ^^

Made another 9 street lights, played my guitar, and read Breaking Dawn. I've finished Eclipse yesterday, so I'm now left with Breaking Dawn. Hmm..everyone in my house is reading The Twilight Series. I'm reading Breaking Dawn, sis is reading Eclipse, maid reading New Moon, and my bro reading Twilight. Forget about my bro. He open the first page of Twilight then close the book after few seconds. >.< Grr~ He'll read it. I'll make sure he does ! GG-fied !

Actually I'm feeling kind of drowsy. Kind of sicky. I feel cold right now. OMG ! Please do not fall sick !! Maybe I'll sleep early today, or maybe I'm not. Mostly depending on Breaking Dawn. Haha !

Erm..bye ? o.O

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